
3DShipmodels.com is back (-:

After various website iterations that I developed myself I decided that I better skip that part this time and concentrate on getting this huge digitised maritime 2D publications & drawings collection sitting on my hard disks sorted & focus on producing more 3D ship models. Although I pre-dominantly did contemporary models of merchant motor vessels in the past I intent to do a series of historically significant sailing vessels now.

Small 18th Century Merchant Sloop

I occasionally practised already a bit during the past decades and I am now in a position to really allocate even more time and really looking forward being able to turn some of the scanned technical drawings I collected into realistic 3D sailing ship models & CGI.

18th Century Well Smack for Iceland Cod Fisheries

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Vapor de Pesca, 1915

The latest 3D ship model I did, rendered in Blender. It's a Vapor de Pesca (Steam Fishing boat) launched 1915 in Orio, Basque Country.  

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